St. Andrew’s & St. Peter’s form the North Ayrshire Team of Episcopal churches (Anglican Communion). At church we worship God and learn to follow Jesus in daily life. All are invited to encounter and respond to God by singing hymns, hearing the bible and receiving communion. This community based on worship and learning together is open to all.
Church Telephone: 07729604438
Weekly Service Times
St. Peter’s, Dalry:
9:30am Sunday
St. Andrew’s, Ardrossan
10:30am Sunday;
10am Wednesday
Stay updated with news and events:
Sign-up for weekly updates by emailing: newsletter@standrews-stpeters.org.uk
Weddings & Baptisms: Both churches are beautiful spaces to celebrate these life events in the presence of God. Contact us if you are interested in having a child baptised or getting married in one of the churches.