Service Times
10:30am Sunday
10am Wednesday

What to expect
St. Andrew’s is a vast church near the seafront, with a beautiful high altar where communion is celebrated each Sunday. After being welcomed at the door, you can sit anywhere and follow the words on screen to sing and pray together. Worship can be modern or more traditional. All are welcome to receive communion. Feel free to stay after the service for tea & coffee in the hall to chat with new people and the clergy.
Weddings & Baptisms: Both churches are beautiful spaces to celebrate these life events in the presence of God. Contact us if you are interested in having a child baptised or getting married in one of the churches.
How to find St. Andrew’s (South Crescent Rd, Ardrossan, KA22 8EA)
Accessibility: There’s church parking on the grass and gravel outside the church. You can also park directly across the roundabout in the free parking area. There is a loop hearing aid system in church, a disabled-access toilet, ramp accessibility (please ask church welcomer to deploy this) and kitchen facilities.